Our Impact

Environmental Protection

1,000 people were sensitized and trained about tree management and planting

75 acres of degraded landscapes have been fully restored

10,000 trees (fruit and non-fruit) were planted at different sites


1,050 people were trained in new agriculture approaches (agroforestry, permaculture, etc.).

15 VSLAs groups were supported with UGX 1,000,000 each, to boost their savings and businesses

15 VSLAs have been trained about proper financial and business management.

1,500 kilograms of beans seeds and 500 kilograms of maize seeds were distributed to a group of 150 people

16 agricultural tools were offered to 25 households

Social Integration

Over 3 different refugee nationalities in 8 communities feel more connected to each other and to the broader community through various joint activities, namely tree planting, VSLAs programs and community gardens activities

Skills Development

More than 1,200 people gained skills in new agriculture approach, business and financial management, tree planting, management and maintenance, that improved their food security and enhanced their agronomic know-hows.


200 people become more self-sufficient by growing their cash crop produces, running small businesses, which in turn helped them reduce the reliance on external aid.

Impact on the community

Improved soil fertility due to creating the contour diches which helps in reducing soil erosion and run-offs

Increased land productivity, because the land is now being used and applying organic manure before planting

Improved food security, given the fact that the community members produce a variety of food crops in large quantities and have access to finance

Economic empowerment through small businesses operating nearby and within the means of the community members